Register this product

Feel free to try DecSoft App Builder all the time that you need in order to find if can be useful to you and your projects. After try it, if the product is useful to you, consider to purchase one or more licenses, so you can use the product without any limitation.

When you purchase one or more licenses, you are not only getting a product version without any limitation, but:

  1. You get an user account in our website, so you can login into the DecSoft customers area. This allows you to post in our support forum, but also grab your licenses online, upgrade outdated licenses, download old product releases and more.
  2. You get also an entire year of minor upgrades for the product, and, discounts to upgrade the licenses when a major release of the product is published.
  3. You are supporting our work in the product, not only rewarded the already expended work, but, also contributing to the future development of the product.

How to register the product

Once you purchase one or more licenses we will sent the appropriate user name and serial number to you. Then you can use this information to register the product by provide it in the register dialog, as you can see in the below animated GIF image: